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In the Garden with Friends

Cocktails Cosy Drinks Trolley Garden

From tomorrow you can sit in your garden with friends or family and how much of a relief is that? Just the feeling that you can sit and chill, have a glass of wine or just a cup of tea with the people you value in your life is something I think all [...]

My top tips to think of when it comes to Beach Style Interiors

Amazing Spaces beaches bedroom Cabin Colour Cosy Interiors Kitchen Mixed materials Scandinavian Seaside Trend Uncategorized

September is here and I always have cabin withdrawal symptoms. I spend time from Spring until the end of Summer either sharing inspiring cabin photos, or talking about my little beach shack, or dreaming about cabins. Just last night I went to [...]

How to do Christmas the Scandinavian way

Chair Christmas Cosy Decorations Food & Drink Hygge Lifestyle Lighting Relaxed Scandinavian Sofa

After all the talk of ‘Hygge” last week, and how comforting the whole concept is, I thought about what would make a nice cosy, Hygge, Scandinavian Christmas, that you could adapt at home. I am not saying that you must quickly get the [...]

‘Hygge’ and why my family are all getting the book for Christmas!

Cabin Cosy Denmark Hygge Lifestyle Relaxed scandanavian

Having seen the word ‘Hygge’ around a few times, I wanted to find out more about this Danish concept, and what it means. How can I adapt this ‘Cosiness of the soul’ into my life, and why so many people are talking about [...]